
Türkiye Sees Significant Surge in FDI in July 2024

Türkiye experienced a notable increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in July 2024, with total inflows reaching USD 1,180 million. This represents a significant 28.7 percent rise compared to the same month in 2023. Cumulative FDI for the first seven months of 2024 amounted to USD 5,897 million, reflecting steady growth in international investments in Türkiye.

Equity capital inflows were the main contributor, totaling USD 587 million, accounting for nearly 50 percent of the total inflows for the month. The industrial sector led the way in attracting investments, receiving USD 348 million, or 59.3 percent of the total inflows. The services sector followed with USD 234 million, while the agricultural sector secured USD 5 million, highlighting the diversity of Türkiye's investment landscape.

In terms of regional distribution, European countries continued to dominate equity capital FDI inflows, contributing 79.4 percent, equivalent to USD 466 million. Asian countries followed with 8.9 percent, amounting to USD 52 million, while the Americas contributed 11.8 percent, totaling USD 69 million.

Germany emerged as the largest investor in Türkiye, with USD 227 million in equity capital, accounting for 38.7 percent of the total. The Netherlands and the United States followed with USD 142 million and USD 69 million, respectively.

These figures underscore Türkiye's growing appeal to international investors, particularly in key sectors aligned with the country's long-term economic strategy.
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Türkiye; FDI; investment